Nomination Form

The Diversity Scholars Network is a scholarly community comprised of tenured, tenure-track, clinical and research faculty, research staff, independent scholars, and postdoctoral fellows who share the common goal of employing their research and scholarship to advance equity and inclusion throughout our society. We value the scholarly work of graduate students, doctoral students and candidates. We welcome their applications to the DSN after their terminal degrees have been conferred. 

We seek individuals who are actively engaged in diversity research. Diversity research and scholarship engages and equips members of society with critical ways to think about their commonalities and differences that can be used to improve daily interpersonal and intergroup interactions, institutional and organizational practices, and policies. Membership to the DSN is not relegated to particular disciplines, topics, populations, or methodologies.

Please use this form to nominate scholars you feel to be ideal candidates for the Diversity Scholars Network. 
One scholar per nomination form. You can resubmit this form to nominate as many scholars as you would like.

Links to Scholar's Information