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The Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies provides funding for student research. Students are encouraged to apply for a Rackham Graduate Student Research Grant at the following website:

 In addition, SEAS awards competitive grants for helping to defray costs incurred while conducting thesis research.

 Eligibility is limited to one $1,000 award per student. If not awarded the first time, a student may submit a revised request. International students- 14% of funds withheld from awards to from countries without a tax treaty.

 A budget template in Excel is available on the SEAS forms webpage to assist students in building a comprehensive list of anticipated expenses and funding sources (item #2 on the application).
 The student should allow 2 weeks for payment after the award decision. The following procedure is required:

 1. After consultation with his/her faculty advisor, the student completes the "SEAS Master's Thesis Grant".

 2. Research involving the use of vertebrate animals requires approval by the University Committee on the Use and Care of Animals (UCUCA), initiated via the eSirius on-line application process. Refer to website:

 3. Research involving the use of human subjects, including surveys, requires approval by the University's Institutional Review Board (IRB)-Behavioral Sciences, initiated via the eResearch on-line application process.

 4. The faculty advisor approves the appropriateness of the request and comments on the qualifications and likelihood that the student will be able to complete the research.

 5. If your academic travel takes you out of the U.S., you are required to 1) register via the U-M Travel Registry and 2) purchase the U-M Travel Abroad Health Insurance. The health insurance is required even if you currently have insurance coverage for international travel. Current price is a one- time $5 administrative fee and $1.10 per day. Information and registration link is available here: Verification is required prior to releasing the funds to your student account.

Information Page

Request amount: $1000 Master's Thesis Grant



If budget includes international travel, proof of UM trip registration and proof of HTH Worldwide insurance purchase is required.